Happy Fluffernutter Day!!

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October 8 is National Fluffernutter Day!!

What IS a Fluffernutter?? Why, it’s a white bread sandwich of Marshmallow Fluff and peanut butter, a favorite in New England!


On Expedition 33 of the International Space Station (ISS), Commander Sunny Williams had Fluff on hand to make Fluffernutters in SPACE!

Sunny Williams in space

Watch her give a tour of the ISS (Fluff makes its appearance at around the 6:07 mark):

It’s not the first time that Fluff has been in Space, astronaut Rick Linnehan brought Fluff aboard the Space Shuttle Endeavor in 2008:

Rick Linnehan Fluff jars

Get some FLUFF today and make a FLUFFERNUTTER!

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