Today is Say Something Nice Day!!
I’ll start: Thank YOU for reading My Log!!

At a loss for words? Try one or more of these insta-compliments!

The holiday began in Charleston, South Carolina as a day to “remember and celebrate people, who provide us with a variety of services, such as bus drivers, healthcare workers and teachers.” Also, it’s a “great opportunity to apologize to people that we might have wronged or hurt through our behaviour.”
The aim of this special day is to fight against unkindness, bullying and the lack of politeness that dominates society today. The creators hope that this one day of pleasantness will grow, until people are nice to each other everyday.
Set an example and encourage your children to be nice to each other on this day.
So, spread the joy and say something nice to someone today!!
BUT, remember, if you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all!!!