LOOK: http://geyserofawesome.com/post/110073021057/heres-an-endearing-new-story-for-the-department

Meet Suryia the Orangutan and Roscoe the Bluetick Coonhound, inseparable ever since they met at The Institute of Greatly Endangered and Rare Species in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.
Suryia and Roscoe first met in 2008 soon after Roscoe first appeared at the reserve and starting following staff members as they walked home from work.
He was immediately spotted by the orangutan, who ambled over to make friends. Dr Bhagavan Antle, the reserve’s founder, said: ‘Roscoe looked really thin and a little lost so we fed him and took care of him. He followed us through the gate and ran over and found Suryia. As soon as he saw Roscoe, Suryia ran over to him and they started playing.
‘Dogs are usually scared of primates, but they took to each other straight away. We made a few calls to see if he belonged to anyone and when no one came forward, Roscoe ended up staying.’

Dr. Antle published a book of photographs in 2011: Suryia and Roscoe: The True Story of an Unlikely Friendship
Buy it on Amazon: http://amzn.to/1D0Z7Lh

Visit Dailymail.co.uk for more photos.
via Archee McPhee’s Geyser of Awesome