LOOK!! A crane for your head that scoops up CEREAL!!!!

It’s called the “Cereal Serving Head Crane Device” and it’s just one of the many crazy breakfast inventions created by Dominic Wilcox for Kellogg’s!!

Instead of just pouring your cereal into your bowl you can now use this milk powered hydraulic crane device worn on your head. The arms are powered by syringes containing milk that act in a similar way to hydraulics on large industrial diggers. Push and pull the plungers to move the arms and then shovel cereal from the box to your bowl. The final move is to press down the white plunger that squirts out milk into the bowl ready for eating.

Isn’t it neat??
Check out Wilcox’s other crazy-cool breakfast machine inventions (including a robot breakfast spoon) over at Fast Company Design!!
My Breakfast Machine!