Magic Wheelchairs!! EPIC Halloween Costumes for Kids in Wheelchairs!!

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LOOK at these Magic Wheelchairs!! They are AMAZING Halloween costumes for kids in wheelchairs!!

Ryan Weimer, a dad in Oregon, has three children who are in wheelchairs. He started creating these “Magic Wheelchairs,” so they could go trick-or-treating like other kids!

This one is inspired by How to Train Your Dragon

Magic Wheelchair

People reacted so positively to it, that Ryan decided to start a nonprofit to get other kids in these cool decked-out costumes!

Magic Wheelchair

The nonprofit, Magic Wheelchairs, wants “to put a smile on the face of every child in a wheelchair by transforming their wheelchairs into awesomeness.”

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The average costume takes between 120+ hours to make and costs between $2000 to $4000 to complete.


If you have the means, DONATE money to Magic Wheelchairs! Or volunteer!! They need your help!