This is Jamie Wolfe of Nampa, Idaho. He’s a back hair artist!!

Here’s his story:
I was a senior at Sprague High School in Salem Oregon and my sister was home, visiting from college. It was during wrestling season and I had just noticed some interesting sprouts coming from my shoulders. I proceeded to do a full examination of my back and saw that I was becoming one of those guys that everyone makes fun of…..I was growing back hair!!! I ran to my sisters room and, mind you it was 1998 so the hit show at that time was singled out, and asked my sister, “Sarah, guys with back hair, time of day or no way?!! she blurted out, “No Way!” and that is where my back hair story begins. Since then, I have married a beautiful woman, have two great kids and created the first Calendar of back hair art.
via Neatorama

He has a calendar of his back hair art, I mean a calendHAIR!!! It’s available for $20.