It’s Cheese Fondue Day!! Time for some FONDUE MAGIC!!

image via Miss Moss
Who doesn’t love dipping bites of French bread into a vat of nutty-flavored Swiss cheese fondue? Almost no one!

“Our Swiss friends say to skip the salad…”
image via plaidponyvintage
Did you know there are RULES for fondue?? I didn’t either.
The first, and probably the most important one, is that there is NO DOUBLE DIPPING! Another one, don’t eat right off the dipping fork. But, the weirdest “rule” is that if you lose your bread in the cheese pot AND you’re a woman, you have to kiss the guy beside you! Strange tradition!
Well, are you ready to fondue?!
First, you’ll need a cool fondue pot. This vintage one is perfect. Don’t forget the fondue forks!

And, you will need fondue cheese and French bread, OF COURSE!

Then, invite all your groovy friends over for a CHEESE FONDUE party!!

Happy Cheese Fondue Day, everyone!!!!