LOOK at this… magician Jamie D. Grant placed a SEALED deck of playing cards INSIDE a glass milk bottle!!

Jamie explains…
When I first made the “Anything Is Possible” bottle, I honestly had no idea how well it would be received. I wanted to make a piece of art that would inspire people every time they looked at it- something that was three-dimensional and that could be placed on a desk, shelf, or table and bring wonder into people’s home or office.
Not being a classically trained artist, however, I focused on what I know and love- the art of magic. But the Anything Is Possible bottle isn’t a magic trick. I came up with the solution, that I still have kept completely secret to this day, after years of hard work. The deck of cards has gone in through the hole at the top of the milk bottle, the bottle hasn’t been altered in any way; but it wasn’t placed there by magic. It was set inside with patience, tenacity, and with a deep love for art. I like to think of it as the one secret left in magic that isn’t for sale. I hope that it represents the wonder that we’ve all felt at some time in our lives.
It’s priced at $100 because of the hours it takes to make each one and I wanted people (who received one as a gift) to know that someone had spent some time, thought, and effort on them. I thought that I’d sell a few here and there and that maybe I’d make my money back on the hundreds of bottles and decks of cards I had gone through in the creative process….
But then I got into the Ripley’s Believe It Or Not book- and the next thing I knew celebrities started buying them. People whose names I recognized started buying them. Astronauts, actors, doctors, magicians, friends, magazines, art dealers, etc. Everyone seemed to want an “Anything Is Possible” bottle. I became the luckiest person in the world. And so it continues to this day. So if you’re looking for a unique gift for someone- even if that someone is yourself, I hope you’ve found it here. It would be an absolute honor for me to make a piece of art, a piece of wonder, for you and your home.

It’s called the Impossible Bottle and you can buy it for $100 at Art of Play.
via bookofjoe