Did you know? There’s an EDIBLE ring that slides up an ice cream cone to stop it dripping!
There is!!
It’s called the Drip Drop and it was invented by these ten year olds.

After entering an innovation competition in 2011, Sam Nassif and Oliver Greenwald were instructed by their teachers to keep their “eyes open for everyday problems.”
They did.
Here’s what happened next in their words:
So one day we were walking past an ice cream shop in our Denver neighborhood and we saw these two little kids with drippy hands and messy clothes from their ice cream cones. We then noticed how their mom used a handful of napkins to try to clean them up. This image stayed in our minds and a few minutes later suddenly we both turned to each other and had the same thought: something should be done about that problem! And that’s how The Drip Drop started.
Here’s a LOOK at this thing!
It also holds TOPPINGS!!
Just two Drip Drops! A photo posted by Sam and Oliver (@the_drip_drop) on
That’s not the end of the story though…
In 2015, they were awarded a United States Design Patent for their cone-y creation!
Then, in April 2016, they were on the TV show, Shark Tank. The now-ninth graders pitched the Drip Drop to the show’s investors and Barbara Corcoran plunked down $50,000 for their business! How COOL is THAT?!
Congrats, gentlemen!!

The Drip Drop isn’t for sale but they are looking to license it to ice cream cone manufacturers or ice cream shops. YOU?