Remember the Alamo?
Well, check this out. There are plans to change it:
There is a plan to change the Alamo, even renaming it, and ultimately attempt to erase the Battle of the Alamo as the defining moment in the Franciscan mission’s existence. The ‘Save The Alamo’ campaign has been launched to help preserve the history of the Alamo. Rick Range, a Dallas-area Alamo Historian and founder of Save The Alamo committee, discovered what is believed to be one of the cannons used in the Battle of the Alamo stored in a barn in North Texas. Range is sounding the alarm over what will ultimately be the desecration of one of Texas, and America’s, most sacred sites.
‘Reimagine the Alamo’ certainly appears to be nothing more than another attempt at erasing our history and our heritage in the name of political correctness. George P. Bush, the current Texas Land Commissioner, is pushing this plan to destroy the Alamo as we know it. Part of this plan includes the removal of the Alamo Memorial, the Cenotaph, which has stood in Alamo Plaza since the 1936 centennial, to a site blocks away.
The plan also calls for rebuilding the original plaza walls, but not with limestone as they would have been over 180 years ago, but with German-made, see-through glass. Bush wants to turn this hallowed ground into a Disney-like theme park.
That’s one side of the story.
The other is here:
The Alamo is and will always be the Cradle of Texas Liberty.
Since 2011, the Texas General Land Office manages and preserves the Alamo on behalf of the people of Texas. Under Commissioner George P. Bush’s leadership, the GLO, the city of San Antonio and Texans of goodwill are working together in a historic effort to restore the Alamo, recapture the 1836 battlefield, and reinforce the Alamo’s amazing story of sacrifice and heroism…
The 1836 Battle is central to future plans. It is the event that defines the Alamo’s role in history. It is, by far, the largest exhibit in the new museum and will always be the central story. The plan will tell the 1836 story through compelling exhibits and living history programs, and in the Alamo. We’ve grown our Living History program to more than a dozen staff and volunteers who bring 1836 to life at the Alamo every single day.
It will always be called the Alamo. No recommendation or proposal has ever been made to change the name. The Alamo will always be called “the Alamo.”
…Plexiglas was never proposed and no wall design has been approved in the final Reimagine the Alamo Master Plan. Many people have expressed that they prefer no walls, and the structural glass wall concept was very unpopular.
It will become MORE respectful and dignified. The current “carnival-like” and “commercial” atmosphere in front of the Alamo will become a place of reverence, dignity, and respect to commemorate the Battle of 1836 and those who died fighting for Texas’ Independence. To make this possible, the General Land Office purchased the buildings across the street from the Alamo, and the plan calls for closing the streets so the 1836 Battlefield can be recaptured and used for Living History exhibits and to allow visitors to Remember the Alamo. Most visitors don’t realize they’re driving on top of the 1836 Battlefield when they drive in front of the Alamo. We’re working to recapture the sacred Battlefield, and restore it to more closely resemble what it would have looked like at the time of the Battle.
Texans… what do YOU think?!
(And, btw, the Alamo has TWO basements now!)