Wowsers! Check these out!! These are custom 3D-printed heads you put on LEGO minifigures!
Holodeck Heads are miniature custom heads are created using sophisticated facial recognition software that analyses the face structure. The software generates a 3D mesh model which mimics your face shape and geometry. The front-facing picture is then wrapped around the model to give a photo-realistic rendering of your face.
Hair is then added to the model based on your selection, choose from our range of customizable hairstyles and colors.
The model is then 3D printed in a sandstone material to give a perfect little replica of your head, the head has a 5mm hole in the neck that allows it to fit onto any LEGO® or block-based mini-figure. Today Batman, tomorrow Han Solo, next week who knows, the only restriction is the limit of your own imagination.

Each Holodeck Head costs $30.