There’s a bookmobile on a donkey!! It’s called the Biblioburro!

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Check this out… in Columbia, there is a bookmobile called the Biblioburro! Yep, it’s a library on the back of a donkey! I’m not kidding!!


For the past ten years, Luis Soriano, a teacher in the small town of La Gloria, Colombia, has been following the same ritual. Every week-end, he gathers his donkey in front of his house, straps on the “Biblioburro” pouches to its back, and loads them with a selection of books from the eclectic collection he has acquired over the years. Off on his mobile library, he travels into the hills and through the fields to the villages beyond where children await his visits impatiently. He firmly believes that bringing books to people who don’t have access to them can improve the country and open up possibilities for the future generation of Colombia.

He has also been working with his wife Diana to build La Gloria’s first public library, where he will finally be able to display his collection of books properly.

Happy Bookmobile Day!!

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