Eighty-two-year-old Shridhar Chillal of Pune, India has been growing his fingernails for 66 YEARS!!!
He started growing them in 1952 as a challenge!
The Guardian:
The 82-year-old has been growing the nails on his left hand since he was 14, having been inspired to do so after a teacher told him off when he accidentally broke a very long nail the teacher had grown. The teacher told Chillal that he wouldn’t understand the kind of care it took not to break a long nail unless he did it himself. Chilal certainly took that to heart: when last measured, his nails had a combined length of 29ft 10.1in, which is about the same length as a London bus. His longest nail was on his thumb.
It’s not an easy business growing the world’s longest nails. Chillal has said that his nails were so fragile that he has to be very careful not to break them while sleeping: “I can’t move much, so every half an hour or so I wake up and move my hand to the other side of the bed.” He was also in pain all the time from them. But his talons do come with some perks. “I never have to wait in a queue,” he told Guinness World Records.

Because they became difficult for him to handle, Ripley’s Believe it or Not! flew him to New York City to saw them off!!

The nails will be on display permanently at Ripley’s Believe It or Not! Times Square museum.

— Pee-wee Herman (@peeweeherman) July 18, 2018