July 24 is National Tequila Day!!!
I didn’t know this before but tequila can only be called that if it’s produced in the town of Tequila, Jalisco, Mexico!!
LOOK: http://www.yucatan-holidays.com/articles/7-interesting-facts-about-tequila/
LOOK: http://drinkingmadeeasy.com/blog/chris-osburn/how-to-celebrate-national-tequila-day-july-24th/
You probably remember the Tequila Dance from my movie, Pee-wee’s Big Adventure!!
There’s a bobblehead doll of me dancing to “Tequila”!! Includes INSTRUCTIONS TO DO THE BIG SHOE DANCE yourself– and life-sized cardboard Pee-wee BOW TIE you can cut out and wear!
This cowboy is harvesting agave plants for tequila!! Looks like hard work!
Inventor Mariano Martinez and his Frozen Margarita Machine!