Ok, this is pretty funny. Steve Smith of Bristol, England opened a can of Heinz Beanz only to find ONE SINGLE BEAN swimming in tomato-y “bean juice”!! The average can has 465 beans!
“I got back late from a meeting and wanted some food. I poured out the tin and I found one bean,” Smith recalled.
“I thought it was funny – but annoying! It was the last tin we had in the cupboard,” he continued. “I had to have scrambled egg instead.”
He posted a video of the find on Twitter and tagged manufacturer Heinz.
It said: “Hi @HeinzUK. I enjoy “bean juice” as much as the next person, but when I opened a can this evening I was hoping for more than one bean.”
Hi @HeinzUK. I enjoy "bean juice" as much as the next person, but when I opened a can this evening I was hoping for more than one bean. pic.twitter.com/EgNDiK8mGt
— Cllr Steve Smith (@SteveSmith98) September 3, 2019
via Geekologie