COCOA SNOW?! SNOWING FROM THE SKY?! YEP! Due to a ventilation malfunction at the Lindt factory, cocoa powder dusted the Swiss town of Olten!! Can you IMAGINE?! It’s the stuff dreams are made of!! #itssnowingitssnowing
Residents of a Swiss town got a bit of a shock when it started snowing particles of a fine cocoa powder after the ventilation system at a chocolate factory malfunctioned.
The Lindt & Spruengli company confirmed local reports on Tuesday that there was a minor defect in the cooling ventilation for a line for roasted “cocoa nibs” in its factory in Olten, between Zurich and Basel.
The nibs, fragments of crushed cocoa beans, are the basis of chocolate.
Combined with strong winds on Friday morning, the powder spread around the immediate vicinity of the factory, leaving a fine cocoa dusting.
Kakao-Regen im Oltner Industriequartier: Lüftungsanlage ist schuld daran https://t.co/O9Iorni5Iz pic.twitter.com/3LWZCsHeE0
— Olten News (@olten) August 15, 2020