The name’s Pee-wee. Pee-wee Herman. KCRW is making my dream of being a radio DJ come true! They’re giving me a real-life radio studio where I’ll be donning some cans to play some of my favorite tunes. We call ‘em “tracks” in the “biz”. It’ll be one awesome hour of crazy-good FUN!! Haha!!!
Just so you know, this wasn’t an easy journey. When I first wrote to KCRW begging them to put me on the air, they didn’t even believe it was me until a bunch of my fans called and jammed up their phone lines. I love that story. Ironically, I can now present you with the greatest show that has EVER been aired. This is your personal invitation to please join me, my amazing voice, my friends Chairry, Magic Screen, Miss Yvonne and some special, top-secret guests for the very first PEE-WEE HERMAN RADIO HOUR!!!
Tune in tonight at 6PM PST: 89.9FM or KCRW.com!!!