Want to know where Santa Claus is RIGHT NOW? Track his whereabouts in real time through North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD)!

Wait, why does NORAD track Santa?! In short, because of a TYPO.

…a local newspaper ran a Sears Roebuck ad inviting kids to contact Santa. “Hey Kiddies!” the ad read. “Call me on my private phone and I will talk to you personally any time day or night.” The ad listed Santa’s direct line, but the number in the copy was off by a digit. Instead of connecting to the special line Sears set up with a Santa impersonator, kids wound up calling a secret air defense emergency number. After a few more Santa-related calls, Shoup pulled a few airmen aside and gave them a special assignment. They would answer the phone and give callers—barring the Pentagon, we assume—Santa’s current location as they “tracked” him on their radar.
That was 1955!!

Or, go old school, and CALL this number: 1-877-HI-NORAD
Have a great Christmas Eve, everyone!!