Smile! It’s Smile Power Day!!

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June 15th is SMILE POWER DAY!!!

Feel the power. Give everyone you see a big, friendly, “I like you” smile. You never know, you’re warm smile just might turn someone’s day right around…for the good!

Love may make the world go round. But, a smile makes the world a happy place. A smile is a powerful thing. Best of all, it’s contagious. However, we do note that in order to be effective, a smile must be sincere. People can see right through phony or forced smiles.

Spend the whole day with a big, bright smile on your face. Flash a toothy smile to everyone you encounter.


Make smiley face pancakes!!


Or make LOTS of smiley face pancakes with a special smiley face pancake pan!!

smiley face pancake pan

Or make smiley face pizza!

Smiley face pizza

LOOK: A smiley face spatula!!

smiley face spatula

AND a smiley face pool float!!

smiley face pool raft

Smiley face magic mugs!!

Smiley face magic mug

If you do nothing else today, SMILE!!!!!!!!
