Make GIANT BUBBLES With a SIMPLE But Kind of WEIRD Ingredient!!!!

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Ben of the YouTube Channel NightHawkInLight experiments a lot with making GIANT BUBBLES!

Giant Bubbles

In the past, he’s used simple dishwashing liquid and even baking powder to make HUGE BUBBLES!!! (By the way, he prefers Dawn Platinum Power Clean.)

But now, he’s tried something new!! Guar Gum!!!

DON’T WORRY, Guar Gum is easy to find and pretty cheap!!! You could TOTALLY try this at home!!

You can also try making BIG BUBBLES at NIGHT!! LOOK:

He says:

Giant bubbles will work best in high humidity and in cool air, so mornings and late afternoons will give the best results. The middle of the night can also give great results, and the colors created in the bubbles by artificial lights are quite interesting…

TRY IT and LET me KNOW how it goes, OK??!!!!


via The Presurfer