TGIF!! Here’s a BICYCLE that PLAYS VINYL RECORDS on its WHEELS!! It’s called “Feats per minute.”

It’s a project from a few years back by Dutch designers Liat Azulay, Merel Slootheer, Pieter Frank de Jong, Vincent Beijersbergen, and Jeffry Sol.
What if you would be able to generate music by the simple act of riding your bike? Feats per minute is a bike – and – record – player – combined – vehicle that enables you to produce music while cycling trough the city. A 30 year old bike was completely modified. Spokes where replaced by platters, wheels were turned into decks. Two vertical tonearms and one amplifier were added. The possibility for record changing was created by altering the regular fork into a lefty. To keep Feats per minute as low-tech as possible the only extra energy comes from a 9 volt battery needed to support the amplifier.
This is its speaker…!

WATCH THIS to SEE/HEAR it in action:
Just don’t let Francis find out about it!