What do you get when you put 3,500 mirrored tiles on a truck that spins? A DISCO BALL CEMENT MIXER, of course!!

via Colossal
This mobile disco is an art installation by French artist Benedetto Bufalino titled LA BÉTONNIÈRE BOULE À FACETTES. Bufalino created it for the city of Lyon’s recent Fetes des Lumieres, their “Festival of Lights.” With disco music blasting and a spotlight shining on the truck’s mirrored, spinning body, he invited people to participate in a dance party on the street!
All construction sites should be this cool!

A cement mixing truck isn’t the only ordinary object that Bufalino has transformed into something extraordinary, he’s also made an aquarium out of a phone booth (and lots more!)!
Check out his portfolio of playful installations on his website.