OH NOSE! A giant nose has gone missing from a family’s porch sometime this past Sunday in Portland, Oregon! Dun dun dunnnnnnn…

“We woke up this morning and the nose was gone,” Delia Albert said.
Delia Albert said her husband, who works for an advertising agency, rescued the nose out of the trash a year ago. It was a discarded prop from a photo shoot, though she wasn’t sure what campaign had used it.
Since last October, it’s been sitting on their front porch. The couple’s kids, ages 5, 7, and 11, were devastated at the loss of their nose.
“They burst into tears, super upset, couldn’t believe somebody would take something that didn’t belong to them,” Albert said. “We didn’t realize how attached they were to it. It really clearly brought them a lot of joy…”

Maybe Madam Ruby NOSE where to find it!

Do you nose where it is? Contact Delia Albert at deliavalbert@gmail.com with details!! That $6.27 could be YOURS!
via Boing Boing