Hope you all have a HAPPY THANKSGIVING!! I’m so sincerely grateful for all my friends and fans!!
And, as is tradition, here is my favorite Thanksgiving photo… the REALLY TINY lady holding a REGULAR size turkey! This is the SEVENTH year in a row that I’ve shared it with you! It still makes me laugh! ENJOY!!

And speaking of Turkey Day CLASSICS… Watch this WKRP in Cincinatti bit… again!
As always, here are some Thanksgiving images that make me smile!

If your turkey looks like this, don’t hesitate to call the Butterball Turkey Talk Hotline!! STAT!

This is ALL CANDY, even the “turkey”:

And THIS “TURKEY” is actually CAKE!!:

And these are CUPCAKES (duh!):

Hey! What are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be watching the 24-hour long Pee-wee’s Playhouse marathon on IFC?!!