Let’s Picture-phone™ on Zoom!!!

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Whatever seasonal holiday you celebrate* — I can make it WAY more FUN!

Invite me** on my modern Picture-phone™ device to a virtual Zoom gathering through Cameo so you (and up to four people you choose!) can talk with me LIVE!! No joke!

? What WILL we talk about?!
✨ What will your Zoom background be?
? What will you wear?
? Who will you invite?
❓ What will you ask me?
? Are you imagining how awesome this will be?
? What are you still doing here?!

Book our Zoomstravaganza NOW!!

*Thanksgiving, Friendsgiving, Black Friday, Cyber Monday, Parfait Day, French Toast Day, Square Dance Day, International Ninja Day, Cotton Candy Day, Pastry Day, Hanukkah, Violin Day, Bill of Rights Day, Cat Herders Day, Maple Syrup Day, Ugly Sweater Day, Festivus, Christmas, Boxing Day, Kwanzaa, Fruitcake Day (yuk!), New Year’s Eve, just to name 22 of the seasonal holidays between now and the end of 2020 in order!

**Please note: Your Zoom will be with Paul Reubens NOT Pee-wee Herman! Duh!

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