Two boys made this song: “I wish Pee-wee Herman was my neighbor”!!

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LISTEN TO THIS SONG!! Two kids made it under their band name, Goblin Bones!!

Then: Goblin Bones

How did this happen? Well… A few years back, a fan of mine, Nate Duke of Portland, Oregon, introduced the boys he was nannying, Aiden and Lucas, to ME! Well, my first movie, Pee-wee’s Big Adventure! And that inspired them to write and record this instant classic, “I wish Pee-wee Herman was my neighbor.”

Nate writes:

Pee-wee’s Big Adventure is my absolute favorite film. I showed it to Aiden and Lucas and they were enamored. Aiden started day dreaming about living next door to Pee-wee and all of the adventures they could have together; and shortly thereafter, a Grammy-worthy song was born! I love how dark it gets at the end. The boys realized that Pee-wee would be much older than they are and would likely die, so they threw that in there. 

This all happened in 2012. Nate shares that “Lucas is finishing up his sophomore year of high school, and Aiden is graduating this year and will head off to college in Montana.” Whoa!

Buy the digital track or the entire “Nest of Doom” album.

Then: Nate and Goblin Bones
Now: Goblin Bones