Shu Takada won this year’s Yo-yo Championship!! This is a video of his winning routine… LOOK!…
This is the 2017 World Yo-yo Champion!

Shu Takada won this year’s Yo-yo Championship!! This is a video of his winning routine… LOOK!…
A lava lamp you can write on is the WRITE kind of lava lamp, if you ask me.…
This is a closeup of the planet Jupiter! Isn’t she beautiful?…
It’s Friday!!!! And some people are doing CHICKEN NUGGET YOGA!…
Fashion Designer Thom Browne made this wet suit that looks like a real suit!!…
The Air Fort is an inflatable fort that’s powered by a box fan.…
To me, every day is Bow Tie Day! It’s one of the best fashion statements OF ALL TIME!…
These are ACTUAL board games that used to exist! I like that Mr.…
These dogs must know it’s NATIONAL DOG DAY! via via via via via via via via via They sure know how to pawty!…
Meet Mara the Amazing!! She is a HULA HOOP MASTER. (Yes, HULA HOOP MASTER is a thing!)…
So, Vir-go on with your bad self! Here are some SPECIAL VIRGOS to celebrate with…!…
Want to catch a glimpse of the total solar eclipse on Monday but don’t want to fork over cash on special eclipse glasses??…
Pastafarians, here’s something for your pasta!!…