This Rube Goldberg machine took berlagawesome 140 hours to create and he failed 114 times before getting it right!…
It Takes 175 Steps to Get a Soda From This Machine!!

This Rube Goldberg machine took berlagawesome 140 hours to create and he failed 114 times before getting it right!…
It’s January 5th, which means it’s NATIONAL BIRD DAY!…
In 2012, new media designer Philippe Dubost created the Magic Keyboard, an installation that makes it look like letters are spilling out of an ordinary keyboard…!!…
This is Jamie Wolfe of Nampa, Idaho. He’s a back hair artist!!…
I never met basketball legend Meadowlark Lemon, but I was always a huge fan!…
Today is National Chocolate Candy Day!! Did you know that chocolate manufacturers have a “code” on top of each of the individual pieces of candy??…
Look at this! Artist Shinrashinge used three paper cups to create a cool animation!!…
Thanksgiving is around the corner, which means it’s almost time for…the 89th annual Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade!…
CHECK THIS OUT!! LEGO Minifigures can hold charging cables, like these Apple ones, perfectly!…
LOOK at these LEVITATING LIGHTS!! They float like MAGIC!…
GUESS WHAT?! Dimitri Sverjensky, a geochemist at Johns Hopkins University, released a statement stating, “Diamond formation in the deep Earth, the very deep Earth, may be a more common process than we thought.”…
Daylight Saving Time for 2015 ended this morning at 2 AM!!…