Behold! Vinnie’s Pizzeria in Brooklyn, NYC has invented the PIZZA BOX PIZZA!…
Invention of the Week: PIZZA BOX PIZZA!!

Behold! Vinnie’s Pizzeria in Brooklyn, NYC has invented the PIZZA BOX PIZZA!…
Rainbow pizza is a thing! It’s one psychedelic pizza pie with all it swirling globs of multi-colored cheese!!…
It’s National Deep Dish Pizza Day!! Deep-dish pizza is also known as Chicago-style pizza because it was reportedly invented in 1943 by Ike Sewell, the founder of Chicago-based Pizzeria Uno.…
Finally, fashion and pizza meet! via Ello This is awesome, but maybe THIS is more your style…!…
PIZZA NIGHT LIGHT!! Good idea!: “Remind yourself how much you love pizza as you drift off to sleep with this pizza nightlight.”…