The squirrels in Ohio-based woodworker Michael Dutko’s backyard are SO LUCKY!!…
A guy built a “Nutty Bar” for his backyard squirrels!! It has SEVEN kinds of NUTS on tap!!

The squirrels in Ohio-based woodworker Michael Dutko’s backyard are SO LUCKY!!…
Every day is Bow Tie Day to me!! For the rest of you though, we have August 28th — OFFICIAL Bow Tie Day!!…
Since 1971, August 26 has been the day to commemorate the passing of the 19th Amendment in 1920, which gave women the right to vote in the United States.…
For your consideration on this Taco Tuesday! The band is called LITTLE BIG and they’re from Russia.…
On this day in 1921, the Boyd Triplets were born!! The Boyd Triplets…?!…
Wait, what mid-century-era “mad men” dreamed up this crazy ad campaign???…
Think you live in a “bubble?” Try living in this BUBBLE HOUSE!!…
COCOA SNOW?! SNOWING FROM THE SKY?! YEP! Due to a ventilation malfunction at the Lindt factory, cocoa powder dusted the Swiss town of Olten!!…
The 1st annual Kerwin Frost Telethon Supershow might be over** but there’s still time to bid on its auctions!!…
Soon after blooming, the Amorphophallus titanum will start to smell like ROTTEN FLESH.…
The 1st Annual Kerwin Frost Telethon SUPERSHOW is STREAMING LIVE RIGHT NOW!…
Pixel Riot did it again! (previously!) I’ve always wanted to make a complete trailer based on my full Jeep Chase Scene.…
Imagine candy corn that tastes like foods you’d find on a Thanksgiving table… Foods like green beans, roasted turkey, cranberry sauce, ginger-glazed carrots, sweet potato pie and stuffing.…