LOOK: http://goo.gl/hJVkIW LOOK: http://www.buzzfeed.com/mrloganrhoades/29-of-the-best-photos-ever-taken-on-a-roller-coaster?bffb#.qnmG8oMbm …

LOOK: http://goo.gl/hJVkIW LOOK: http://www.buzzfeed.com/mrloganrhoades/29-of-the-best-photos-ever-taken-on-a-roller-coaster?bffb#.qnmG8oMbm …
Check out my pal Rusty Blazenhoff, aka ‘The Punk Rock June Cleaver.’…
iDrive helps keep you connected to the world through your favorite devices – all while operating the vehicles you love! …
Heard the heartbreaking news this morning that Taylor had lost his battle with cancer.…
LOOK: http://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/gallery/2015/jan/07/ghost-trains-and-forgotten-ferris-wheels-abandoned-theme-parks-in-pictures?CMP=fb_gu The ruin of a giant Gulliver being captured by the people of Lilliput at Japan’s dormant Gulliver’s Kingdom.…
A giant loss in the music world. Widely referred to as ‘The father of modern gospel music’, pioneer musician Andraé Crouch brought a contemporary pop and R&B melodic sensibility to gospel music.…
WOW! This transforms the way we communicate with people everywhere in the world! …
Vertical cooking! Make a cylinder of omelette in minutes!…
In 1971, LIFE Magazine photographer John Olson followed some of the biggest rock stars of the day home to see their parents… LOOK: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2098596/Photos-1970s-rock-stars-parents-reveal-humble-roots-childhood-homes.html…
There are a few different bird celebration days each year.…
Look into my eyes… YOUR EYELIDS ARE GETTING VERY, VERY HEAVY… LOOK: http://www.worldhypnotismday.com…
Marvin C. Stone received a patent for the paper drinking straw on January 3, 1888. …
Start your astronaut training! NOTE: This fake spacesuit won’t keep you alive for a second if you were to be sucked out into the vacuum of space.…