Christmas entertainment historian (what a neat job!)…
LOOK at this red and white GOWN made of 693 Netflix envelopes!!

Christmas entertainment historian (what a neat job!)…
I’m so THANKFUL!! Why?? Because IFC is hosting an all-day Pee-wee’s Playhouse MARATHON on THANKSGIVING DAY!!!…
Jigsaw puzzles are fun to put together… but did you know that puzzles from the same manufacturer often times have the SAME DIE CUT PATTERN?!…
I think you’re really going to like this! This retro map of the USA is made up of over 1000 song titles!!…
WHAT WILL THEY THINK OF NEXT??!!! Here is a MINIATURE version of the familiar roadside crazy waving inflatable tube guy!!…
With Gift Wrap My Face you can put faces on wrapping paper!…
Artist Sabine Timm makes all kinds of cute, fun, and joyful things with ordinary objects like BREAD.…
With this cool Egg-a-matic mold by Fred & Friends, you can turn a boring old hard-boiled egg into a DINOSAUR HEAD!!!…
This is so funny… a CAT walked on a CATWALK!! At the recent Esmod International Fashion Show in Istanbul, Turkey, a cat jumped onto show’s runway, right next to the models, and started doing cat things!…
Happy Candy Corn Day!!! Today is the day you share your love of candy corn with the world!!…
October 26 is Pumpkin Day… a great day to get out your carving tools and make a creative Jack-O-Lantern!…
Check THIS out! Tom BetGeorge of Newark, California has been turning the outside of his home into magical light and music shows since 2013!!…
I heard some sad news last night. WWE Universal champion Roman Reigns announced that he’s relinquishing his belt because of leukemia: “My real name is Joe and I’ve been living with leukemia for 11 years and, unfortunately, it’s back.…