Hey Virgos, it’s your time to celebrate!! Happy Birthday!!…
Happy Birthday to All the Virgos!!

Hey Virgos, it’s your time to celebrate!! Happy Birthday!!…
Japan seems to always be one step ahead with their GAME-CHANGING inventions.…
Here’s something wheely cool… a motorcycle helmet coffee maker!…
Today is LEMONADE DAY!! To celebrate, I wanted to share a great lemonade success story with you.…
You say Po-ta-to, I say Po-tah-to! Let’s NOT call the whole thing off, because it’s POTATO DAY and who cares HOW you say it!…
Check out these floor rugs that look like BREAKFAST FOODS hand-crocheted by Carly of surfacewerks!!…
Did you know? There’s an EDIBLE ring that slides up an ice cream cone to stop it dripping!…
There’s a new “Call of Duty” game and Paul Reubens is in it!…
The coloring (book) craze has moved into the bedroom! Check it out!…
The latest and weirdest fad in manicures: Swiss cheese FINGERNAILS!…
How COOL is this?! This foal born in Robin’s Hood Bay, North Yorkshire has a white marking on its side that LOOKS LIKE ANOTHER HORSE!…
It’s Fan Art Friday, so I thought I’d share the COOL crocheted creations by Austin, Texas artist Allison Hoffman… Take a look at the Playhouse pieces from her yarn-tastic portfolio…!!…
Today is LAZY DAY! What better way to celebrate than to lounge around in a GRASS ARMCHAIR that you grew yourself!!…