On this day in 1981, MTV launched!! Ladies and Gentlemen, Rock ‘n Roll!!…
MTV first aired on this day in 1981!!!!

On this day in 1981, MTV launched!! Ladies and Gentlemen, Rock ‘n Roll!!…
Make way for 76 ducklings! Amateur wildlife photographer Brent Cizek captured this cool shot of a mama Merganser duck on Lake Bemidji in Minnesota with 76 babies in tow!!…
If you’re in the Lafayette, Indiana are this fall, you gotta check out this Stranger Things CORN MAZE!!…
LOOK at this! It’s Trestle Bridge in Madrid, Iowa and at night time it lights up.…
LOOK at this portrait of me! It’s made with toothbrushes, glitter, nutrition facts, electronics, vintage beer pull tabs, and lightbulbs!!…
You know how I feel about Rube Goldberg machines… I LOVE THEM!…
A company from New Zealand called Giapo created these FINGER ICE CREAM CONES!…
Jeb Corliss took his GoPro on a roller coaster and took this REALLY TRIPPY footage. …
Ever wanted to see Pee-wee’s Big Adventure at the drive-in?…
Look! Up in the sky! It’s a bird. It’s a plane.…
For this Throwback Thursday, I want to share an adorable video sent in by a fan of mine, Tina Ward.…
Your hair looks great. Tell your beautician they’re doing a great job!…
Who knew parrots liked bacon pancakes?! Do ALL parrots like bacon pancakes?…