Be still my heart! There are now ROOT BEER FLOAT-FLAVORED PEEPS!…
New weird flavors of Peeps to try: Root Beer Float, Pancakes & Syrup, Cotton Candy and MORE!!

Be still my heart! There are now ROOT BEER FLOAT-FLAVORED PEEPS!…
Oh, my stars! Have you seen Moschino‘s new line?!…
Jonathan Pillows “Dollar Store” by Julian Glander This one goes out to all the poets out there.…
Papa John’s Pizza has announced that they’ll soon have Hot Honey Chicken & Waffles as a pizza choice.…
February 20 is Cherry Pie Day! It’s also Hoodie Hoo Day!…
photo by Mobilus In Mobili/Flickr Did you know… On a farm near Williamsburg, Virginia, there is a field where 18- to 20-foot-tall Presidential busts sit??…
This is incredible! In Erie, Pennsylvania, a rare half-female, half-male cardinal was spotted!!…
Check this out: In a West Michigan orchard, ice formed around apples rotting on the vine, then the rotting flesh of the fruit dropped to the ground and formed… GHOST APPLES!!…
This lady knows what’s up! She got herself a “boyfriend pillow” to keep her company!!…
This is kind of a big dill. Grillo’s Pickles in Boston has introduced the world to PICKLE BOUQUETS!!…
Cuddle Clones — the company that makes plushies that look like people’s pets — is back in the news.…
There’s cool and then there’s AMPHICAR COOL!!…
Since 1887, on each and every February 2, a rodent has been predicting the weather!…