You know how some Japanese restaurants have displays of fake (but realistic-looking) plastic food?…
Fake Food Phone Cases from Japan! Nom nom nom…!

You know how some Japanese restaurants have displays of fake (but realistic-looking) plastic food?…
November 12th is Pizza With Everything (Except Anchovies) Day!!…
I am holding those who served, and all active troops, in my mind today on this Veterans Day.…
On this day in 1969, Children’s Television Workshop and Jim Henson debuted the great kids’ tv show, Sesame Street!…
A lot of Pee-wee-inspired costumes came my way this Halloween, but this is the first of TWINS!…
If you’ve ever dreamt of combining pizza and candy AND a STICK, have I got good news for you! …
I’ve got some exciting news! It’s time to dust off that turntable because the Pee-wee’s Big Holiday soundtrack is now on VINYL!!…
NaNoWriMo is here! NaNoWriMo is here! What IS NaNoWriMo…??…
October 30 is CANDY CORN DAY!! To celebrate this especially sweet day, here’s some… Cotton Candy Corn!…
Row row row your pumpkin, gently down the stream… This is Rick Swenson of Fergus Falls, Minnesota and he’s just set the (unofficial) World Record for Longest Distance Paddled in a PUMPKIN!!…
Over the years, many people have been inspired to dress up like me, Pee-wee Herman.…
October 26th is PUMPKIN DAY!! Still love this one that Karrah Youngblood of Pumpkin Brains carved of me, Pee-wee Herman!!…
Today begins the 8th astrological sign, Scorpio!! If you’re a scorpion, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!…