Check this out… Inventor Peter Browne, a retired airline pilot and silversmith, made his own version of a Rube Goldberg-style breakfast machine!…
The Sunday Morning Breakfast-Making Machine!!

Check this out… Inventor Peter Browne, a retired airline pilot and silversmith, made his own version of a Rube Goldberg-style breakfast machine!…
THIS! And THIS! THIS TOO!! And don’t forget about THIS!…
This is such an amazing story. A few years ago, 5-year-old leukemia patient Miles Scott wished that he could be the real Batman.…
From time to time I come across unusual real estate for sale.…
Today’s the day we celebrate Paul Bunyan, the all-American flannel-clad lumberjack of yore!!…
June 27th is National Sunglasses Day!!! via via via via Post a #SunglassSelfie on Twitter!…
Food artist Alexandre Dubosc really knows how to PLAY with FOOD!!…
Check out these giant beach blankets that look like food!…
This is an amazing invention… a Walking Bike!! via Neatorama It was inspired by Theo Jansen’s amazing Strandbeest kinetic machines which walk with the wind!…
This is SO COOL!! Make your toast look like a MONSTER!! A one-eyed EGG MONSTER with missing teeth!!…
Check out these two stencilled art pieces of me, from my first movie, Pee-wee’s Big Adventure!…
Today is the first day of summer… AKA the summer solstice!!…
Yes, it’s true! Some great news from my friends Sid and Marty Krofft… one of their TV children’s shows from the 1970s, Sigmund and the Sea Monsters, has been remade as an Amazon original series! …