August 28th is National Bow Tie Day!! Today we celebrate the BOW TIE, a fashion piece that is near and dear to me! …
Today is National Bow Tie Day!!

August 28th is National Bow Tie Day!! Today we celebrate the BOW TIE, a fashion piece that is near and dear to me! …
There’s a new “Call of Duty” game and Paul Reubens is in it!…
It’s Fan Art Friday, so I thought I’d share the COOL crocheted creations by Austin, Texas artist Allison Hoffman… Take a look at the Playhouse pieces from her yarn-tastic portfolio…!!…
While Nick Carranza, the Digital Content Strategist for Children’s Hospital in Los Angeles, was out sick, his co-workers gave his cubicle a MAKEOVER à la Pee-wee’s Playhouse!! …
LOOK at what San Antonio artist Pinche Tatum of Choice Goods made… super-cool ye olde tyme “Pee-wee for President” campaign signs!! …
Pee-wee’s Big Holiday…the STORE…is now OPEN for BUSINESS!!…
Yes, it’s true! Some great news from my friends Sid and Marty Krofft… one of their TV children’s shows from the 1970s, Sigmund and the Sea Monsters, has been remade as an Amazon original series! …
Joe Manganiello, my hockey-lovin’ friend (you’ll remember him from my new movie, Pee-wee’s Big Holiday), is watching game 5 of the NHL playoff tonight.…
Did you know…? Paul Reubens has voiced many characters over the years, including the pilot droid RX-24 (“Rex”) in Disney’s 1987 Star Tours attraction!…
In Staffordshire, England there is a new restaurant in the Alton Towers Resort theme park that delivers food by a miniature indoor ROLLERCOASTER!!…
It’s Throwback Thursday! Who remembers this tee-shirt of me pushing Pterri like a baby from 1987?…
It’s here! It’s here! The soundtrack to my new film, Pee-wee’s Big Holiday, is now available on iTunes!! …
Guess what?! Pee-wee’s Playhouse is now a Spin it Rich!…
For Pencil Day, I picked out something VERY PENCIL-Y! In San Francisco, California there is a home, called Granny’s Empire of Art, with a three-story stairwell covered in PENCILS (and rulers and erasers and crayons and other school supplies)!!…
Paul Reubens is Penguin’s dad, tonight on Gotham!!!…
Remember that time A. Pants ‘shopped me, Pee-wee Herman, into vintage postcards from “all over the America” as a way to countdown to my new movie??…
Check this out! Evan Dashevsky of PCMag wrote an article called, “Why Pee-wee Herman Is Technology’s Greatest Visionary“!!!…
Today is the International Day of Awesomeness!! Yahoo!…
This is the second poster for my new movie, Pee-wee’s Big Holiday!!…
I put on my journalist hat and interviewed Joe Manganiello, the leading man of my new movie, for Entertainment Weekly!!…